Event - dropfrom

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  A 'dropfrom' event, someone took something out of our lister and dropped it 
on another one, thieves! 
  1        when event = 'dropfrom' then 
  2          if qualifier = 'shift' then do 
  3            parse var namestr '"' namestr '"' 
  4            lister query handle entry '"'namestr'"' stem fileinfo. 
  5            if fileinfo.type > 0 then do 
  6              address command 'Copy >NIL: T:ArcDir.list'handle 'T:ArcDir.list'user 
  7              address command 'Run >NIL: <NIL: RX DOpus5:ARexx/ArcDir.dopus5 GETDIR' portname '"'arcfile'"' user arcsubdir||namestr'/' 
  8              end 
  9            end 
 10          else do 
 11            allents = namestr 
 12            call getall 
 13            otherhandle = user 
 14            call arcextract 
 15            end 
 1      Event is dropfrom, dragged from the ArcDir lister and dropped onto 
        another one. 
 2      Were they holding down a shift key when they dragged and dropped? 
 3 - 4  They were!  Get the name of the entry from between the quotes. 
 5      Find out what type of entry it was, if it's a file the type will be 
        less than 0, if it's a directory it will greater than 0. 
 6 - 9  It was a directory, so we copy across the ArcDir archive contents 
        list to a new file using the handle of the 'dropped' on lister. 
        Then we run the ArcDir script on the other lister with the GETDIR 
        command, Opus' ARexx port name, the name of the archive, the handle 
        of the other lister and the archive sub-directory that we dropped on 
        that lister. 
10 - 15 It was files/dirs that we dropped on to the other lister, we make 
        allents equal the string of filenames that was sent in the packet, 
        call the  getall  routine to separate it into individual file/dir 
        names, set the otherhandle to the handle of the other lister 
        specified in the packet and then call the  arcextract  routine to 
        extract the files/dirs. 

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